.. _introduction: ============================================== Auckland Physiome Repository - an introduction ============================================== The Auckland Physiome Repository, includes the CellML and FieldML repositories, and is powered by software called PMR2. PMR2 relies on the distributed version control system `Mercurial`_ (Hg), which allows the repository to maintain a complete history of all changes made to every file contained within repository :term:`workspaces`. In order to use the Physiome Model Repository, you will need to obtain a Mercurial client for your operating system, and become familiar with the basic functions of Mercurial. There are many excellent resources available on the internet, such as `Mercurial, the definitive guide`_. Mercurial clients may be downloaded from the `Mercurial website`_, which also provides documentation on Mercurial usage. A graphical alternative to a command-line client is available for Windows, called `TortoiseHg`_. This provides a Windows explorer integrated system for working with Mercurial repositories. .. _Mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ .. _Mercurial website: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ .. _Mercurial, the definitive guide: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/ .. _TortoiseHg: http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.org/